As a roofing company owner, generating new leads is crucial to the success of your business. Without a steady flow of new leads, your business may stagnate or decline. However, with the right strategies in place, you can generate more leads and grow your roofing business. In this article, we’ll explore five effective ways to get more leads for your roofing company.

Create a Google Ads Campaign

One of the most effective ways to generate new leads for your roofing company is through Google Ads. Sure, SEO is important, but it’s a long-term game. If you need leads now, Google Ads should be your focus. Google Ads allows you to advertise your roofing services on Google’s search engine. This means that potential clients who search for roofing services in your area will see your ad. By using Google Ads, you can target specific keywords related to roofing and ensure that your ad only appears to people who are actively looking for roofing services.

To create a successful Google Ads campaign for your roofing company, you need to choose the right keywords, write compelling ad copy, and create effective landing pages. You can also use Google Ads to retarget people who have visited your website but didn’t take any action, which can increase the chances of generating leads.

You can run Google Ads campaigns yourself, but if you don’t know what you’re doing you can blow a lot of money in ad-spend without meaning to. So, If you’re new to Google Ads, it’s a good idea to work with a digital marketing agency that specializes in roofing lead generation. These agencies can help you create effective Google Ads campaigns that are tailored to your business and target the right audience.

Answer the Phone when Clients Call

It may seem obvious, but answering the phone when potential clients call is crucial to securing leads. A phone call is as hot of a lead as they come. A study done by 411 Locals in 2016 determined that 62% of phone calls to small service businesses go unanswered. That’s a log of missed opportunities. When someone calls your business, they want to speak to someone who can help them immediately. Once you miss that call, clients are already dialing one of your competitors, and you’ve likely missed out on potential business.

To ensure that you don’t miss any calls from potential clients, consider hiring a receptionist or using a virtual receptionist service. There are also automation tools like GoHighLevel that allow you to automatically text back whose call you just missed. These services can help you answer those calls and schedule appointments, which can drastically  increase the chances of generating new leads.

Google Reputation Management

Your online reputation can significantly impact your roofing company’s success and generate new leads. According to PowerReviews, 99.9% read reviews when shopping online. We may as well just assume that everybody who finds your business on Google Maps will be looking at your reviews. When a customer searches Google for “roofers near me”, you want your business to show up in Google Maps with the best rating possible.

To manage your online reputation, you need to monitor your reviews regularly, respond to both positive and negative reviews, and address any complaints or issues that clients may have. You can also encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews, which can help increase the number of leads for your roofing company. If you have an unsatisfied customer, it’s not in your best interest to encourage them to leave you a Google review, but getting their feedback will help you keep future customers happy.

Offer Free Estimates and Consultations

Offering free estimates and consultations is an effective way to generate more leads for your roofing company. When potential clients are looking for roofing services, they want to know how much it will cost and what services you offer. By offering free estimates and consultations, you can provide potential clients with the information they need and increase the chances of generating new leads.

During the consultation, you can also showcase your expertise and experience, which can help build trust with potential clients. You can also use the opportunity to upsell other services, which can increase the average revenue per client.

Partner with Local Businesses and Contractors

Partnering with local businesses and contractors can also help generate more leads for your roofing company. For example, you can partner with a local home improvement store, and they can refer clients who need roofing services to your business. You can also partner with other contractors, such as electricians or plumbers, and offer to provide free consultations and quotes for their clients.

Partnering with other businesses and contractors is a powerful way to reach new clients. It can also help build trust with potential clients since they are being referred to your business by a trusted source. Be sure to let the businesses you’re trying to partner with know that you’ll be referring work to them as well. It’s a win-win!

That’s a Wrap

In conclusion, generating leads for your roofing company is crucial to the success of your business. By implementing these five effective strategies, you can increase the number of leads and grow your roofing business. From creating a Google Ads campaign to offering free estimates and consultations, each of these strategies can help you reach potential clients and showcase your expertise and experience.

By utilizing digital marketing strategies such as Google Ads and Google reputation management, you can ensure that your roofing company is visible to potential clients and has a positive online reputation. Additionally, partnering with local businesses and contractors and answering the phone when clients call can help increase the chances of generating new leads.

It’s essential to remember that generating leads is an ongoing process, and it’s important to track and analyze the effectiveness of each strategy. By regularly reviewing your marketing efforts and adjusting as needed, you can continue to generate new leads and grow your roofing business.

Shameless Plug Time

If you’re too busy to try these steps yourself and are looking for someone to plan, execute, and manage a lead generation system for your business, you can reach out to the NerdCraft Labs team to see if we’d be a good fit. Visit our Contact Us page to reach out for a free consultation.